Dungeon23 - Day 14


S14: Guard Tower - Ground floor

The seat of local law enforcement, this round tower is seen as either a bastion of order, or a reminder of oppression and inequity, depending on one's perspective. What is true in any case is that the tower is not only a defensive fortification to protect the city, but is also a barracks for the local guard detachment. This tower is under the command of a jovial individual named Relex Tiberus. They have been in command for the past 7 years and while they are known for having a great sense of humor, they are also known for their intensity. Many guards do their best to avoid Relex’s bad side.

The ground floor is a mix of rooms. The front room near the door contains desks and tables for guards to interact with locals who come in with complaints or reporting crimes.

The back of the tower contains cells for holding criminals and other prisoners. The cells currently have two occupants. A man named Yelush who hails from a far away city and was arrested breaking into the Warehouse (S7). The other cell holds a recalcitrant drunk named Lendorn who is often times drying out in the cells on most nights.

Stone stairs built into the tower walls circle the structures perimeter and lead up to the 2nd floor.


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