Dungeon23 - Day 15

S15: Guard Tower - Second floor

The second floor of the guard Tower contains the general bunk house for the guards on active duty, where they can take a rest on breaks during their shifts. New recruits are required to live in the Tower for three (3) months before being allowed to find or return to lodging elsewhere in the city.

The second floor also contains a mess area. A rudimentary kitchen is constructed around the hearth and a few tables are present for the guards to eat their meals. The mess is run by greenhorn named Tevan. She is inexperienced as a guard but is an impeccable chef. Word has started to get out about her cooking and meal time is busier than its ever been in the mess.

The third area of the second floor is a rudimentary armory. The Quartermaster is a positively ancient man named Wellesley Figgis. Wellesley has weathered it all, the Siege of the Remora, the dragon Ancalaxia, and the Rising Tide, and has gained the reputation for being unkillable. It could be due in part to the level of care he takes with the weapons, armor, and equipment he is charged with maintaining. He has often been heard exclaiming, “A sharpened stick, well tempered, is better than any rusty blade.”

Stone staircases circle the tower perimeter extending down to the ground floor, or up to the third, respectively.


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