Dungeon23 - Day 17

 S17: The House of Monsters

This small private residence is the home of the retired soldier, Drabus Folrin IV. The son of soldiers, he spent his entire life serving in the army of the king. After one campaign in the Great Northern Mountains, he discovered a secret that revealed a more insidious threat to his home. As he learned more about this threat he discovered that the house he now lives in sits above the entrance to where this horrible evil dwells. He purchased the house and moved in an attempt to safeguard the city by himself.

Drabus’s accommodations are spartan, as he tries to leave as much open ground for him to fight the creatures that crawl out from the underground to threaten the city. He maintains a small cot and uses the fireplace to make himself meals. Otherwise the building is nearly completely empty, but burn marks and blood stains cover the floors, a testament to Drabus’s skill and commitment to his watch. Drabus is getting on in years though and worries he will no longer be able to maintain his vigil.


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