Dungeon23 - Day 5

S5: Private Residence - 2nd Floor

Burla’s bedroom is a cozy place where she seeks refuge from harsh city life. A large bed dominates the room, but it also includes a wardrobe and small sitting table. Plants are strewn about the room, Burla’s attempt at bringing some more natural scenery to her stone and brick surroundings.

Stairs leads down to the main floor.

The entire Street Level up to this time can be seen below.
I have really been enjoying this process and have been learning a lot about image processing and map making, two aspects of game design that seemed completely inaccessible to me, but after doing the work to read and watch a bunch of tutorials I have definitely started to put together my own workflow.

The real hard part now is finding myself style. I've been inspired heavily by Dyson Logos and Mike Schley, two of the best in the business, but the community on Instagram participating in the #Dungeon23 challenge have been churning awesome and motivating content!


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